A cerebral palsy lawsuit is a legal claim filed against one or more healthcare providers who allegedly made mistakes before, during or immediately following the birth of baby that resulted in the neurological condition cerebral palsy. While not all cases of cerebral palsy are eligible for damages, any case that involves substandard care will likely result in a significant amount of compensation for the child and his or her family.

If your child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy, you can find out if you qualify to file a lawsuit by contacting our cerebral palsy lawyers. We will evaluate your individual circumstances and, if necessary, will work with medical experts in an investigation to determine whether medical malpractice occurred the day your child was born. If we suspect medical malpractice may have contributed to your child’s condition, we will do everything in our power to get you the maximum amount of financial compensation possible.

What to Expect When You Contact Us

When you contact us for the first time, it may be unnerving. The thought of filing a lawsuit can be overwhelming and scary, but, it doesn’t have to be. During the initial consultation with a cerebral palsy lawyer, you can expect to be asked in-depth questions about your child’s birth, such as:

  • Do you recall any signs of distress before, during or after your child’s birth
  • Were any specialists called in to examine your or your baby after delivery?
  • Was your baby breech or premature?
  • Did you have multiple births?
  • Was your baby taken to NICU upon delivery?
  • Do you recall any excitement in the delivery room from any members of the staff?
  • Did you have a C-section or vaginal birth?
  • Were forceps or a vacuum used?
  • Was the umbilical cord wrapped around your child’s neck?

Be prepared to answer these questions (and others) to the best of your knowledge. If you don’t remember every detail, don’t worry. We will be able to pull your medical records and conduct a complete investigation if we suspect you may have a case.

What to Expect after Choosing to File a Cerebral Palsy Lawsuit?
If we determine you have a case and a strong possibility of recovering financial damages, we will explain all your legal options in detail. If you choose to work with us for your lawsuit, you can expect the following:

  • We will not charge attorney fees until we win your case
  • We will not only help you pursue a cerebral palsy lawsuit, we will also help you get in touch with the top therapists and medical professionals in your area so your child is guaranteed the highest quality care
  • We will serve as your advocates throughout the entire legal process so you can focus your attention on attending to your child
  • We will fight tirelessly to ensure you recover the maximum amount of compensation possible so you and your child can achieve the highest quality of life
  • We will help you recover compensation for damages such as medical bills; long term treatment costs; 24-hour care; therapies to help with speech, movement and coordination; and emotional pain and suffering

Find Out if You are Eligible for a Lawsuit

To find out if you are eligible to file a lawsuit and pursue damages for your child’s case, please contact us today. We will be happy to speak with you in a private consultation and will do everything we can to get you and your family the compensation you need and deserve.